Indalo's Process
Shaman/Healer/Lightworker/Starseed, Reiki Master, Spiritual Coach, Life Coach, Aroma Therapist, Author, LGBTQ2+ Advocate, & Parent.
Reclaiming & Restoring all that I am. In every aspect of life. This was the beginning of my journey.
The Renouncing
From a young age I've always seen life in a different light than my peers, friends, family, and associates. As I grew older it had become more of burden than something special. It caused a lot of grief and calamity in my personal life to the point that I prayed for my gifts to leave. Yes, I prayed them away. By doing so, I thought my life would finally be normal instead of being the social outcast and leopard, misunderstood, nerd, weirdo I once believed myself to be. It did not. Things actually got much worse. Nothing went right, everything I touched would not last. I was even misdiagnosed (unknown to me at the time) by believing what everyone was saying about who and what I was. I thought I was in the real-life version of "A Series of Unfortunate Events".
The Realignment
My gifts never left I just conditioned myself to ignore them more effectively. My relationship fell apart, my job at the time was feeling like a prison, life made no sense, everything I worked for and gained was being taken away. I felt my soul die while still having breath in my body. I did not feel alive at all. It was not until my circumstances became so miserable and I had nowhere to go but to God and ask why I was being forsaken and I need God to prove to me that God exists and is real because I no longer believed due to all that not I went and was going through, but because I am not the only one and it's not right for God to claim to be God yet sit around and watch all of the madness and calamity that goes on in the world everywhere. This dying while being alive was cruel and inhumane torture. I demanded proof and made a deal with God that if God proved to me God is real then I will embrace my gifts and my path of teaching. I was told ever since I could remember that I had gifts yet nobody could tell me what. I demanded to be told what they were and why I had them. Yes, you read that correctly. I demanded God to show me all that God can do. I demanded proof. That was the night that EVERYTHING CHANGED.
The Restoration
I was led to things I haven't thought about for years. I was led to tarot card readings. This was something I was terrified of trying as I was taught to stay away from things like that because nothing good will come from it. But I was desperate. Out of desperation to know why me, I ignored my fears. I figured if I was taught that God disapproves then God should be able to tell me why along with all of the why questions I had and the proof that I demanded. Before I came across these readings on YouTube, I asked God for a sign that I should follow and release these fears of what I was curious about, tarot readings, psychics, mediums etc. A few days later, friend randomly asked me, unknowing of my circumstances, if I knew what my moon and rising sign was. I had no clue what they were talking about. So, I asked what all of that was. As I read my birth chart on a level I never knew existed, I knew this was my sign. I seconded guessed this many times but something within just wouldn't allow me to dismiss it.
The Remembrance
I began seeing double numbers more than I always have but curiosity took a hold to the point I wondered if they had meanings. They did. I was so freaked out at what I read about the meaning of the numbers I had to walk away from my phone for a moment. The Angels entered my life at this time. Something I didn't learn about in how I was spiritually raised and wondered why. Next step, the tarot/oracle card readings. I couldn't afford to pay for a private session at first so I asked God to make a way if this was what I needed and would help. I also asked to be heard if they were in fact of God's plan for me and connected with God because I had no time for the negative mess I was trying to escape and had heard would come from these. These were my signs I asked for. I prayed for signs and confirmation that God has heard my tears, seen my troubles, and cares. before I tried tarot readings. What I found was unforgettable. For the first time in my young adult life, I cried tears of joy. I never understood how someone can cry from joy until I personally experienced this myself. It's definitely a real thing. Despite all the heartache, mistreatment, abuse, neglect, homelessness, all of my pain just stopped, and I felt my soul. I hadn't felt alive in that way since my childhood. I wasn't the reading of my future, I was someone who saw what I was experiencing that didn't know who I was, never met me, or conversed with me. I knew only God could lead me here. This was only the beginning.
The Reflection
My life did not instantly get better. By this time, I only knew that God was FINALLY listening. Another friend of mine asked me if I knew anything about Reiki. Once again no. I had heard of it being mentioned in a movie once randomly but didn't know anything about it. I was led to someone who was not only a Reiki Master but a RN. By the time my appointment came to meet them I was back into my crystals. I've always loved crystals. I would drive my mom insane by having so many and leaving them on the floor of my room. She would accidentally step on them when I was younger. In the 5th grade, I was so fascinated by them that I stopped playing at recess and would spend all 3 recesses looking through the rock beds around my school collecting them with 2 other childhood friends. Never did I imagine how special these beautiful rocks actually were or how they would come into play when I was an adult. A week after my memory of my childhood hobby of crystal collecting, triggered by reading crystal books and studying my birth charts, I had my first Reiki session.
The Reclamation
This experience was unlike any other. I felt completely renewed. Insights I use to get came rushing back loud and powerful in my mind when I read, watched movies, listened to music, and reflected. Yet again, I had received proof. By this time, I was convinced God had heard me and was proving all around me that God is there, is real, and never left my life, I had allowed God's voice to be shut out. I ignored God's voice. Dreams became more vivid; I was also protected from negativity as anyone that had negative intentions who came around me, I couldn't even be in the room with them or be in close areas for too long. Eventually the intensity of that died down to where I could but my discernment was kicking in in a modest way of alerting me. My dreams of these people kept coming to me. Memories and old pictures of my African outfits my Ganny (Grandmother) had gotten us made years ago would randomly (not so randomly) pop up in closets when looking for something else. Another question came, what are ancestors? Is everything I learned about those beliefs false as well? I went on a journey of discovering my ancestors and their original beliefs. I finally was able to hear my Ancestors and Spirit guides.
The Revelations
Mentors came into my life at the right time. My journey had mountains and valleys, deserts, and false Osises, joy and pain, sorrow and healing. I had to learn discernment through experience of the false and misleading assistance vs the real ones. My awareness of what my gifts were, how to use them, and accept them as a part of me was the greatest gift God bestowed unto me. All that I learned, discernment, awakening, enlightenment, allowance, surrender, faith, growth, maturity, development, and acknowledgement and so much more I know share with you so that you too may claim your birth rights unashamed and unafraid. Reclamation and Restoration to the fullest degree. God, my ancestors, guiding angels, deities, spirit animals, and my higher self walks with me. As your team walks with you awaiting you to acknowledge their presence so that they may assist, guide, and teach you who your truth. Experiences happen to clear out the clutter so that we may recognize who we truly are, embody it, appreciate it, and share it with the world in our own uniquely individual ways. Breaking the chains of generational oppression. Destroying the mental, emotional, material, and spiritual prisons systems of bondage have placed our lineages in to suppress our truest form, purpose, and light from shinning. It's time to arise from the blinded slumber we have accepted as our realities and embrace what is real and true for each of us. I ask you, "Are you free?" "Or do you just think you are free?"
The Reparations
I share with you truth, reclamation, restoration, and freedom. How you choose to use the experiences and situations in life that are meant to knock you down is the key to true freedom and sovereignty. You were not born to be slaves to systems of exploitation and limits. You were conditioned and programmed into it. You were born to be free and limitless. You are not meant to be tormented by the dark entities of betrayal, misfortune, deceit, illusion, poverty, survival, worthlessness, purposelessness, powerless, empty, and lifelessness. It's time to take the spears thrown at you and use them to pierce the darkness to reveal the light within.
"Walk in your purpose, on purpose."
"Embrace Your Soul
It's Your Birth Right."
"To know where you are going, you must know where you've been." Mya Angelou
"The substance of things hoped for, and the evidence of things unseen." (Hebrews 11:1)
My Mission
My mission is to walk with you as you grow beyond your current limitations mentally, emotionally, spiritually, and physically. Enhancing your natural gifts, skills, talents, and abilities. Transforming trials and tribulations into triumphs and testimonies. Connecting and growing your communication with your intuition, inner-self, innate potential, and what you believe in to assist and grow your confidence along your journey. To gain clarity and understanding within the signs, symbols, messages, experiences, and dreams to allow you to passionately walk in your purpose on purpose. You will be able to fully walk in your truth, uniqueness, and individuality authentically as the sovereign being you are born to be. Reclaim and Restore all that has been buried through conditioning and systematic programming.